1 min read

Creative constipation.

Writer's block is when I write for someone else's taste. It is trying to form my opinions by lipreading a ghost's mouth shapes. The result is my mind quitting its job in a resistance to be consummate by the ridiculous mentality that I was harnessing: people-pleasing in fear of displayed inadequacy.

Exercising total risks management by following the world's verdict is bigger a task than forming your own opinions. Such a mission is impossible, described perfectly by George Orwell in Keep the Aspidistra Flying, "It was too big for him, that was the truth. It had never really progressed, it had simply fallen apart into a series of fragments."

Artist's block is never about the cessation of ideas but an abundant of fear. When the mind is disquiet, everything seems infinitely imperfect and we are petrified to walk another step.

Observe children, that's one way to free ourself. They don't experience creative block, or any kind of expression blockage for that matter. Why, they just do whatever the hell they want.