1 min read

Words: the guiding angels.

Sometimes we nitpick each word a person says in the attempt to understand them.

We might think that when someone says something, the content is inside their words. As if the words string together to create a box, and what’s meaningful is inside that box.

Yet not only it doesn’t get us closer to the person, we are left feeling out of touch with ourselves. This is because we have convinced ourselves that the other person is an alien to be decoded, which is a misunderstanding of the universal truth that is interbe.

A more productive way to understand words is to see that they are a precious guidance to understand someone's deeper experience inside, like a guardian angel pointing out the way. Without this guidance, we can still reach the destination, yet the road can get confusing and misleading.

As humans, we have the gift of words to give each other nuanced guidance into our heart experience. Words are a powerful creation of the mind. Yet to use it we need to go beyond the mind. And doing so is the practice of love.