1 min read

Who touches whom?

In classical ballet duo where two dancers, typically a male and female, perform dance steps together, the male is almost always the pillar who actively touches the female body to lift, spin, carry, and provide support. (👀 e.g. Romeo and Juliet - Balcony duet)

Although the female dancer is positioned in front and center of attention, she is only a receiver of direction, not the director. Her female body expresses perfect youth, beauty, and aerobic vigor, which makes her an appropriate subject of the male dancer's touch and the audience's gaze. Yet the moment she loses one of those qualities, her glory will be relinquished.

This is a metaphor to understand the power dynamic in many aspects of life: the person who's being catcalled and desired might not be the person in power, the person who's in the limelight doesn't equate to the one who makes the call.