1 min read

Walking home with a lover.

My commute felt like labor when I thought of how long, monotonous, and dark the journey would be. But if I walked home with you, the road would immediately light up as each moment turned crisp and savory.

Through these walks with you, I slowly learned what it meant to enjoy someone, to care for someone, to be a gift to someone; All of which I then offer to myself. Through these walks with you, I slowly learned the art of spending time in solitude.

The truth is that all journeys are strenuous if I can't walk with a friend. Yet the moment I learn to befriend my own company, each step I take - no matter what the external circumstance is - transforms into the most important and intimate time. I can decorate the road with humor, love, and delight to my heart's desire and never again would a journey be too long, too monotonous, or too dark. Not when I have learned the art of being a lover to myself.