1 min read

Wedding in Spain?

On those days where the moment you finally get out of the house the rain stops and the Sun becomes intense, but the problem is that you are wearing a 4-kg weighted jacket which you have just spent half an hour finding, so you are now wrapping it around your head like a sun-protector wig and thankfully no car has splashed the ginormous puddle at the red stop onto you just when an angelic kid walks by and decides to cast spells onto the puddle saying that this specific puddle right here is the holy pee of God on a sublime, hydrated day so the little man starts chanting witchcraft and since you look incredibly handsome with the sun-protector wig on your head, Heaven is also asking you to be its wife or so the kid says but the thing is you are still technically dating Liz from yoga class, it's complicated, you toss and turn and finally say Yes, I do if you give me that scholarship to Spain when the red light turns green and Rob who is Chelsea's roommate who is Liz's third cousin drives by and witnesses the ceremony so they offer a wedding ride through the town where you toss flowers like a princess but turns out you have motion sickness when you stand and poke your head out of a moving car's window and due to the vomiting that follows, a patrol car stops you and learns that the angelic kid who's still chanting in the car is the Senator's son and it is his birthday so everyone is quickly taken to the celebration but little did you know that the party is built 167 floors underground and frankly, you dislike any form of soil digging, but you do it anyway for the angelic kid and right when you've just arrived, there is Liz from yoga staring at you across the room, her smile melts your dick and memories of fond times flush by, as you wave your feeble fingers to say hi back, the Senator comes in between the two of you and congratulates on your new marriage and the trip to Spain.

Yeah, on those days where nothing goes as planned, resist the urge to categorize things as right or wrong. Everything simply is. Let's just make the best out of the (sometimes crazy) ride.