1 min read

On time.

We have more time than we think, so don't over work, skip exercise, get fast meals, nor postpone love. Feeling behind in life is a manufactured illusion of a world where factory farms standardize growth of pigs and schools standardize human development.

The metric called BEING NORMAL destroys self-acceptance and distorts self-perception in mass. We have entered an age of time dysphoria where we are forever some steps short of where we need to be. Such dissatisfaction makes the capitalist machine rich because we are driven to be insanely productive every day. Even when we are walking towards our dream, our steps fill with anxiety and defeat.

To restore a friendly relationship with time, we must repair our ability to be present. We keep our dreams big while feeling satisfied with doing small each day. Right here is exactly where we need to be: let us be human, let us be unapologetically us.