1 min read

Talk back proudly.

Talk back proudly.
We, the marginalized, are talking back to the master-narratives by being ourselves.

The Bible wrote,

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

But marginalized beings already have voice. Just because our voices are different do not mean we cannot speak. Instead, learn to listen carefully and respectfully to counter-narratives first. We will speak up for ourselves in the true shapes of our voice. No one should be required to speak fluently in the dominant language (i.e. loud and clear, 'educated' English with a specific accent) just to be heard and taken seriously.

Some of us are speaking in tears and prayers, in silence and actions, in stutters, songs, signs and attitudes... Yet we speak and talk back in our own ways.

Don't be easily fooled. Not all activism is loud and verbal. Demonstrations, protests, strikes, petitions and so on are important, but they should not be the only hero(in)es that are are recognized.

We, the marginalized, are talking back to the master-narratives by being ourselves.

We, the marginalized, are talking back to the master-narratives by being ourselves.

We, the marginalized, are talking back to the master-narratives by being ourselves.