1 min read

A meditation on success.

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." - Earl Nightingale

If we have a dream, then each step we take towards our dream is a success. Each study, each thought, each practice, sharing, trial, and imagination of our dream is lively and successful. It's not about competition or result. Success is living in the ways of our worthy ideals.

We fail to succeed when we conform, when we don't even have dreams so we live somebody else's and forget self sovereignty, when our minds are molded with doubts and worries to which the universe misreads that our dream is to fail.

Remember that where attention goes, energy flows. We will become what we think about, so practice mindfulness and place our minds on what we actually want. Focus on love, health, abundance, compassion, and happiness. Our presence will then radiate a rare quality of peace that attracts and nurtures what's life-giving.

It takes courage to believe that we will succeed, and we shall. It takes self belief, kindness, and love to show up consistently and consciously.

May we live with the realization of our worthiness. May our focus be worthy of our lives.


Today's reflection is inspired by Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret. It's only 30 minutes and very powerful. Give it a listen if you can.