1 min read

The Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat.
a scene from Harry Potter the Philosopher's Stone

The Sorting Hat in Harry Potter represents an almighty system of power that gets to decide where a person belongs. Whether Harry is sent to Gryffindor or Slytherin dictates what social circles and resources he gets access to. It influences how he is perceived by others and which kind of self-actualization path he will fulfill.

In the real world, any Sorting Hat can be dangerous. Humanly mistakes happen: the judicial system puts sane people into mental hospitals and the innocent to jail, the medical system performs surgery to 'normalize' babies with mixed sex anatomy who grow up to suffer from gender dysphoria as the result...

No authority, whether it is the government, the parent, teacher, lover, medical system, God, etc. should get to decide where a person belongs.

Although our civilization has built upon such a dense system and it feels impossible to opt out now, what we can do is liberating our mental conception and sense of self from believing wholeheartedly in the judgement of an authority other.

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