1 min read


If we stood next to an old tree and put our mind into the standing, we naturally touch an immense sense of reverence for her. We would learn about nature and her resilience. We would understand that she has witnessed and survived much hardships, yet her shade is just as refreshing, her trunk is still very strong.

If we ever killed an animal for meat and put our mind into the killing, we naturally touch the immense sense of reverence for him. We would learn about the non-duality of life and death. We would understand that a life has died so we could continue on living, thus, gratitude innately springs.

But we must let ourselves be awake to receiving these lessons. We must let ourselves see, feel, contemplate, and realize. We must create an environment where children can touch trees and witness the slaughtering of the meat that they eat. Or else, trees become mere decoration and animals are just meals.