1 min read

Who is responsible for this baggage?

Don't mix up the two: Love is not responsibility over someone else's baggage.

from Oxford Dictionary

No matter how much love we share or how painful my baggage is, it is mine to transform. The moment I transfer the accountability over my history to you, I rub my eyes with mud and look at the world through your charity. I borrow your ears to listen and your mouth to sound out my words. Such a loan is impossible for deep healing and clarity to take place.

When I demand you to make me (feel) better, it is not love that I am asking but control over you. I use you as an instrument for personal relief knowing how precarious and temporary the tactic would be. The moment I give you the responsibility over my wellbeing, I am drained of power and become a corpse that waits on your will.

To heal is a collective activity. We lean on each other for support and dance in the light of solidarity, but that doesn't translate to thinking that you will save me. A "Could you help me? Would you hug me?" is never the same as a "Could you solve me? Would you fix me?"