1 min read

What motivates giving.

Each time I am touched, I am moved by an irresistible urge to give. What wells up inside me is a certainty that I must: I must burst out singing, dancing, drawing, creating, whatever it takes to give this love a form, so that it lives and touches others.

Witnessing sufferings, humanity, and beauty do this to the heart. Once touched, giving is no longer a question of democracy or negotiation. We simply must obey or our soul withers. This is the command of love from witnessing truth.

The moment we allow the totality of our consciousness to be touched, we receive an unquenchable zest to life. But the human mind forgets easily, so hold onto it. Believe in that profound yet indescribable moment that our heart knows, even if the whole world hasn't. Follow its whisper. It has flowered to us as a gift of guidance and truth.

If you, reader, cannot yet relate to what I am saying, the experience is awaiting your permission to manifest. And if you want a prescription, here it is: Nurture your capacity to feel each day, lean into the softness and learn to surrender; no matter how small, like a gaze at a baby, when experienced deeply and savored slowly, will unveil the cosmic portal that is love. Be ready, be free.