1 min read


I need you to know [that] innocence is not lost in sex. It does not get corrupted by the sensual and the intercourse, but easily enhanced when the heart is naked and surrendering its qualms.

Innocence is lost in gossips, in ill thoughts and cold shoulders. The etymology of the word innocence is the negation of the Latin root, nocere, "to harm". The desire to wish no violence on our neighbor, on the ant that crawls on our feet, or the mother beneath our soles. Free of the will to harm others, we return to sensitivity and kindness. Ceasing to harbor harmful intentions helps the world somewhat, yet ultimately, it saves us from the burden of being cruel.

Do not mix up innocence with naivety or ignorance. Those are states of not knowing due to a lack of personal experience and awareness. Innocence, quite the opposite, is purity of perception, is tranquility in disturbance, and is intense knowledge of the heart. Like the child who has not yet learned to smile but is observant to unfolding events, the craft of innocence is in stillness, non-judgment, and patience.

Innocence is not lost with childhood. It is a practice that requires us to deepen into.