1 min read

"I cannot decide."

Indecision is not pointless if you let yourself explore.

On days where we just don't know what to wear (so we try on the whole closet), which movie to watch (and end up watching an hour of trailers), whom to say yes to and what career path we shall commit, or we ponder endlessly on something as simple as how to spend our next 5 minutes...

On these days, let's agree to not berate our lack of clarity, our indecisiveness, our conflicted personality, and self-confusion. We can instead pat ourselves on the back for acknowledging our discomfort, smile in gratitude for our humanly effort of being human, and lean into our indecision as an invitation to explore ambiguity.

We are not supposed to figure it all out. Not at this age, not ever. Sometimes we only need to live well 5 minutes at a time, and ever better, one breath at a time. And release the future into the land of dreams and speculations.