1 min read

How to take photos.

Looking at our old photos, beauty doesn't necessarily touch us the most. Usually the photos where people and things are in their element are what charm our heart, because life force can only flow through what is true to itself.

Our genuineness is what makes a still image human(e). Such a photo can then reveal to the audience not only of our history but also the journey that got us here. It confirms that, indeed, we used to be like so, but growth and depth have turned us into the person we are today. An acned teenager is now the president and a spotless beauty pageant is now a grandmother who still rocks a pink hair.

Whenever we pose in ways that hide our true self, we are preventing our power to radiate through us. By doing so, we are killing our photos, our history, and our journey... The deaths that come from a lack of confidence in our true selves.