1 min read

Ganesha and yoga.

There is one magical benefit of yoga that I suspect not many people know. That is anyone who practices yoga can invite Ganesha - the Hindu god that is the remover of obstacles - to aid their luck, success and wealth.

The thing is that the yogi must summon Ganesha through their yoga practice, simply because you can only be a yogi by practicing yoga (🤷‍♀️).

What Ganesha doesn't let many people know is that when they are practicing yoga, they are strengthening their own patience, balance, focus, strength and so on. They are calling the Ganesha within themselves to remove the inner obstacles that will aid them to success.

In other words, we remove the obstacles for us to be saved through training ourselves to become a god. And the gods join us to continually bless our journey with ease.

"Good luck!" - Ganesha