1 min read

A gallery of you.

Imagine walking into a gallery where your solitude activities are exhibited. Those moments unseen by others are now framed inside photos, sculptures, audio and video bites. There is a whole room called 'Masturbation'. Another one for all the messages you wrote but deleted. A corner is filled with audio tracks of times you dare let your singing crack because no other witness was around.

Browsing, you can contemplate on the artist's intentions, temper, and evoked feelings. Look how, for example, there is a slight difference in the slope of the mouth in one masturbation compared to another, implying that the search for orgasm was committed for satisfaction on one day, then for distraction in the next.

Which room would bring you contentment even if no one ever sees them? What piece shocks you to realize that you were actually (un)happy? Is there a wall that you will use an axe to smash down? Which corner makes you want to stay in longer and ever?

This gallery is a cumulation of choices. It will forever be private if you wish it so nor can anyone dictate what you do in the dark. You are the artist. To fill it with what is your daily freedom.