1 min read

Full moon's clarity.

Our medicine is usually the opposite of where we instinctively retreat to.

For example, if a person has been emotional and inward-looking, a meditation that casts their gaze on an object outside of themself, instead of closing their eyes to an internal gaze, would invite in balance to their state of being.

The opposite is an invitation for those who are not yet familiar with their current emotions. Upon closing their eyes, the familiar objectivities slowly settle to leave space for the subjective.

"Supermoon" Pink Moon with a star field background. Getty Images

Nature flourishes sustainably in balance. The symbolic cycles of the moon is an eternal invitation to such polarities, a continual shifting between light and dark.

Under today's full-moon, where shall you retreat to that will bring balance thus clarity to your human experience? What medicine would fulfill your deepest sense of wholeness? Will you see clearer with eyes closed or open right now? Which part is needing more attention, more light?