1 min read

Fuck it.

Learn to accept your powerlessness. Things are not always how you will them to be. There are areas where your desire cannot override reality. You don't have control over certain things, even the ones you are so dearly identified with: Your boob will sag, your skin will fold, your mind will rot. Your inner weather come and go, populating your inner topography and never can be boxed into eternity. People love you, leave you, inspire you, get ill, haunt you. Unless you see calibrating each spoon you eat more important than sanity, use your precious energy and attention for what is life-giving instead. Use your life force to delight, uplift, heal, and laugh often. Let life make love to you in her mystical ways. Make the most out of the materials given and live in the paradoxes: accept your powerlessness will give birth to true power, learning to surrender so you can fight.

I find it important to have a mantra that keeps me conscious whenever I am overcome by the powerless desire to have power. One of the most potent mantras for me has been fuck it. I chant it often and gladly, repeatedly and triumphantly.

What is yours?