2 min read

A short explanation on today's problem.

🦔 💬 Due to the (imaginary) popularity of the last booklet, the O-cultist Zine has asked me to continue educating young curious minds about the Sorcery World. I here introduce one major conflict that the Sorcery World is facing, which I reckon is an important foundation to grasp. I must emphasize that this booklet is produced in the (regrettable) service for modern readers with puny attention span. Real history is much more nuanced and vastly left a mystery to be discovered.

Now to explain, I must start with a philosophical pondering:

If you were given the magic to either feel everything deeply or feel nothing at all, which one would you choose?

Both are sources of magic. While the ability to feel everything deeply would develop psychic abilities, many hypothesized that feeling nothing at all would give them more manifestation power, that is more productivity, willpower, and sense (i.e. objectivity).

Although countless schools of magic have emerged from the Anthropocene Epoch, around 3 centuries ago, human magicians started to separate into two opposing schools of magic: Namaoya* (the feelers, who chose to feel everything) and Chikyu* (the thinkers, who chose to block feelings). This global division was due to the advancement of pharmacology and neuroscience, where humans could intervene more intrusively in our emotional experience. Now the question of to feel or not to feel was no longer a philosophical pondering, it was a choice.

Tragically, psychotic episodes started to spread viciously among the Namaoya community in the 1800s. Dwelling too deep in the realm of emotions had stripped away the life force and sanity of many Namaoya masters. The Sorcery World oscillated to Chikyu practices and by 1930, Chikyu is another name for "magic" in many cultures across the world.

It was only in the past few decades that climate scientists observed a strong correlation between atmospheric ruptures and the activity of Chikyu magic. The extreme use of Chikyu has pushed the planetary energy out of balance, causing more Luwa** to spawn.

As of today, we've come back yet again to the era of uncertainty. But one thing is certain: life is never an either/or, there's no turning on and off button, no extremist answer. Nature is continuity and balance, thus the use of magic must rest upon such foundations.

As almost always, good luck questing!



*: The name is different across cultures, so I will stick with Bhavitz, which is the language created specifically for magic users. Namaoya means the Parents tribe and Chikyu means Earth.

**: Luwa are psychological monsters, spawn by the repressed fear, doubt, anxiety, or anger in the collective sphere. More on this later.