2 min read

End-of-year reflection prompts.

Enjoy the reflection below with a cup of hot chocolate, some friends (i.e. your cat, Pepe and your plant, Pho), and a well-loved notebook. Breathe in your belly and expand your heart as you contemplate on your juicy year ~ (≈ㅇᆽㅇ≈)♡

Part 1

☝️ One sentence to summarize the year

  • "2022 was the year that I ... "
    (If u could sum up your year in one sentence, what would it be?)

📜 Lists

Make as many lists as you would care: books you have read, movies you have watched, places you have gone, people who have come (and gone), lessons, gratitudes, highlights, and accomplishments, etc.

These lists will give your future self a snapshot of your year. For the present, it is a way for a linear and continual reflection. Lists are easy and fun!

🧘‍♀️ Quest(ions)

  • How has my life evolved?

    In other words: If this period of my life is a movie, where am I in it? What got me here? Where am I heading to? What is holding me back?

  • How often have I been able to smile genuinely?
    If there was a deadly catastrophe that's coming, would I wish to live differently?

  • Saying No: What shall I let go of to be truer to myself? What can I practice saying No to more often? What is no longer necessary? What feels heavy and is weighing me down?

    Saying Yes: What shall I persist with? What do I want to invite more in? What empowers me? What is begging me to welcome in and flourish? What do I want to remind myself of?

🔮 Make them stick

Idea A: Write the things that you want to say Yes to on a piece of paper, stick it somewhere you will see often, keep it in your pocket, or make multiple copies and give them to your (loving) friends.

Idea B: Give your Yes list some visual: draw, write in cursives, cut them out and decorate, print some photos, use stickers and whatever that spark your joy. This vision board should not be generic like a cut-out of a global magazine, it should scream you and your truths.

This activity can turn into a heart-centering sleepover where you make 'art' together and share with one another before the new year.

Idea C: Write mantras that encapsulate the spirit of your truest self. Write them out. Turn them into songs. Recite them often.

If we have a dream, then each step we take towards our dream is a success. Success is living in the ways of our worthy ideals. (from A meditation on success.)

May your ideals be love, light, humble, and courageous.

I bow to you.