1 min read


Dishonesty sprouts in the dark places that lack love. If we dig them down to the roots, we see the seeds of shame, fear, and of woundedness.

Amongst the various seeds of dishonesty though, the most widespread is the “Lack of Self-Awareness”, yet this is not often talked about.

When we lie, most often, we don’t even know that we are lying. We are burdened by the desire to prioritize others’ needs and visions, our voice gets very small and we are unsure if it exists at all. Over time, our inner pond gets muddy and we live in a continual state of unclarity and confusion. We could behave and say things that left even ourselves perplexed.

When we feel as if we have no control over ourselves, it is very easy to hate ourselves for being the way that we are. We grow distrustful of the world because if we must be honest, we don’t trust ourselves so much.

If we understand this mechanism of lying, we see that punishment won’t help compulsive liars. To berate, scold, and blame a person and withhold our love for them is a confirmation for the secret belief that they have about themselves which made them lie in the first place:

“i am unlovable”

“i am unsafe in this world so i must do whatever to survive”

When we realize someone is dishonest, we can help unburden them by sharing our sun rays of understanding. Affirming an anxious heart that they are safe, are lovable, liberates them from the prison of their mind.

memo from Kitty

Today is the final day of my 3-month challenge for blogging, which is the time to contemplate whether I want to continue posting or stop. (Φ ₒ Φ)