1 min read

Be Real Is The New Fake.

I was listening to a conversation between Casey Neistat and Toni Jones while gazing on Joan Cornella's masterpiece:

Casey: I need to vacuum the studio right now because it's filthy in here and my brain goes to a place immediately of like, "Can I make this part of the vlog?"

So am I a phony for exploiting every living shit out of my life, every aspect of my life, in the name of subject matter for my video?

Toni: I'm with you, brother. Authenticity is a[n] inside job not a brand to market myself as relatable. I no longer use social media as my diary, tell my story, market my testimony, reel others in to follow my steps, pitch the sale or promo.

My story is not a commercial, not a[n] advertisement, I went to hell and heaven for this story. I won’t pimp my transparency for profit, I practice genuine commerce.

Casey: ...only had I realized it sooner and not after making eight-fucking-hundred vlogs. My goal onward is to draw less from my personal life, more looking out, more of what I see versus making me the subject matter.


What I put in italics are copied directly from the source: Definitely give a listen to Toni Jones' song, Be Real Is The New Fake, and maybe Casey Neistat's 3 things i learned from 800 days of vlogging.