1 min read

A professional skeptic.

Only 6 years ago, I was skeptical about anything that was deem mystical:

  • SYNCHRONICITIES are just random coincidences that our human brains like to attach a story to in order to make sense of life
  • CRYSTALS are mere minerals that capitalists use to sell the fantasy of 'magic'
  • CLAIRVOYANCE, clairaudience, clair-etc. are symptoms of schizophrenia, a serious mental disorder that comes with hallucinations and delusions of grandeur
  • ASTROLOGY is an unscientific, archetypal association of identity that people can attach to like most other personality tests (e.g. MBTIs, Enneagram)
  • WITCHCRAFT is a superstitious practice that were aided by hallucination drugs
  • GHOSTS are simply energy residues from the disposal of the human body
  • NUMEROLOGY, palmistry, and any kind of intuitive reading are nonsense that work because we go out of our ways to prove them right

Perhaps it was due to my disillusion with the church at 13, I would scoff and write off anything that were abnormal. But my life encounters are anything but "normal". They continually surprise, challenge, and delight the reluctant skeptic in me (which I admit still exists). The single biggest reason why I soften my logical defense to ponder the possibilities of magic that these events presented was their common denominator: love.

Yesterday was my 80th blog post. I figured that to talk about love is to dare voicing about the logic-defying experiences of life. Using existing science and literature as stepping stones, not as the boundaries of my human experience. This is my intention and invitation to you going onward. To magic and vulnerability. ☺︎